Adama's house

Project to support the social and work inclusion of holders of humanitarian protection and for special cases, following the DECREE-LAW of 4 October 2018, no. 113 through a housing solution.

Adama's house is an apartment located in Bibbiena, with which Tahomà wants to offer concrete support to all those who no longer have access to the second phase of reception, due to the regulatory changes made by Legislative Decree. 113/18 (so-called Safety Decree). The legislative intervention, in fact, eliminated one of the three forms of protection to which asylum seekers could aspire: humanitarian protection, now replaced by protection for the so-called "special cases". The initiative is aimed at humanitarian protection holders and new holders "for special cases" who, starting from 05.10.2018, unlike refugees and holders of subsidiary protection for whom the possibility has been maintained, no longer have the right to enter the SPRAR circuit.

Through accommodation and legal, health and work support, we intend to give immediate support to those who no longer have a point of reference in the Italian territory. This intervention also has the objective of anticipating and countering the negative consequences that this change will produce: a problem of public safety (those who find themselves without reference points could be forced to adopt lifestyles that are harmful for themselves and for a healthy civil cohabitation) and an increase in public costs (the municipal administrations may have to bear the condition of indigence of the holders of humanitarian protection who have taken up residence in the Municipality).

Tahomà identifies the beneficiaries of the project based on the integration path undertaken during the first reception, as he believes that an opportunity for support and further support should be offered to those who have truly demonstrated their integration in the area. This criterion is not exclusive, the Adama House is open to anyone who finds himself in this particular difficult situation.

Nel ricordo di Adama, nasce in Casentino una casa di accoglienza per migranti integrati - Arezzo TV

La Casa di Adama ha aperto le sue porte al mondo - Arezzo Ora